Baby come back


Frįbęr mśsik sem mun óma um Fljótin žann 25. jślķ n.k.  Mikiš veršur žetta gaman og žó žaš rigni eldi og brennisteini lętur enginn sig vanta nśna.   Tśniš tekur endalaust viš fleira fólki og nóttin er ung!

Heysįturnar  verša vonandi į sķnum staš!

Hvaš segir Brśnastašabóndinn um aš hafa nokkrar į tśninu?  Kissing




Me and sister Margrét and our nice Gugga will hold a dance in Ketilįs in Skagafjöršur 25. july 2009 as we did last year.  The old and famos band Stormar from Siglufjöršur will play at the dance and it will be a market at the house on the Saturday, before the dance starts. There will be an endless joy and the spirit of the hippies will be all ower the place.

Though the house is not so big there is enough space outside and who knows if the farmer on Brśnastašir will make some comfortable hay bags out there so the hippies can feel free to do what they used to do in the old days fooling around in Ketilįs.  

The night is young! Kissing


Ippa Sideways



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